The application process for genetic counseling graduate programs is time-consuming, expensive, labor-intensive, and straight up confusing. There is a lot to prepare to make yourself stand out as a well-rounded and qualified applicant.
I created The Bird's Eye View Guide to the Genetic Counseling Application Process to help people who are considering a career in genetic counseling and beginning to explore what is required to apply. This guide is designed to walk you through the timeline for a genetic counseling program (GCP) application cycle and to provide resources to strengthen your application materials and draw attention to your unique strengths and skills.
This digital download guide includes 15 pages packed with information, tips, and links to additional resources. You will also find checklists and spaces to include notes as you work through the guide and application cycle. It is best utilized on a tablet in a note taking app like GoodNotes. Topics included in this guide include crafting your personal statement and CV, identifying genetic counseling professional development opportunties, advocacy, and counseling roles, requesting letters of recommendation, exploring and researaching genetic counseling programs and more.
When I applied to graduate school in 2012, the amount of online information about a career in genetic counseling and the application process was extremely limited. A decade later, there is an abundance of resources to learn more about the career, multiple easy ways to connect with genetic counselors, and online communities of hundreds of supportive fellow applicants and current students. Now there is so much information available online that it can be difficult to determine where to start.
This guide provides a starting point to learn how to prepare for genetic counseling school and lists of the best and most up-to-date resources for each requirement. It is best used as a digital resource on a tablet, as all hyperlinks and GCPs are clickable. However, it can also be used on a computer, phone, or printed and used as a paper planner/checklist.
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